Pet Pals Heaven Accessibility
We're Here for All Pet Parents

Here at Pet Pals Heaven, we respect and value the unique needs of all pet parents and believe that everyone should have access to the low prices and convenience Pet Pals Heaven has to offer. We’re also aware that some pets are more than loving companions; they can provide safety, confidence, and independence to those with emotional, cognitive, and physical impairments. That’s why we’re working hard to make Pet Pals Heaven the most trusted and convenient online destination for all pet parents.


Setting Our Goals High

How We're Creating an Accessible Experience

Understanding User Needs First

We believe designing intuitive online experiences starts with talking to users with disabilities and understanding their diverse needs.

Making Accessibility Part of Every Stage

We're involving our accessibility experts at each stage of the product development lifecycle. From the moment a product idea is conceived, through research, design, and development, we think about the experience from the perspective of users with disabilities.


Building a Consistently Accessible Experience

We've created the Pet Pals Heaven Design System, a collection of reusable components our developers use when building new interfaces. We're integrating accessibility into this system and are testing each component's support for screen readers, screen magnifiers, speech input, and keyboard access. This helps us create consistent and familiar user experiences, no matter where you are on our site.


Prioritizing Accessibility Bugs

We're treating accessibility-related bugs with the same level of priority as any other bug. If you've discovered a bug that makes it difficult for you to shop Pet Pals Heaven, please let us know and we'll work to improve our site.


Optimizing Our Learning and Education

We're learning more and more each day about what can make our customer experience intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone to use.


Proactively Seeking External Validation

While we've hired our own expert team members, we know it's always best to get a fresh perspective from objective professionals. This is why we've partnered with third party vendors to provide testing tools and conduct periodic manual audits of our software and mobile apps.


Accessibility Features

For many people, accessibility means support for the assistive technologies they use to browse the web and use mobile apps, including screen readers, screen magnifiers, speech input and keyboard/switch technology. Listed below are some of the features we’re building into our experiences to support assistive technologies.


Site Structure

We're using consistent heading structure, list types, and other formatting and markup patterns so that our pet parents can efficiently navigate with their assistive technology.


Text Equivalents

We're working hard to add meaningful text equivalents to our visual and audio media.


Keyboard and Gesture Access

Not everyone can, or prefers, to use a mouse when browsing the web. Similarly, not everyone can scroll or navigate the content on native mobile apps. We're taking steps that allow our users to navigate with their keyboard or switch on desktop, or with the appropriate gestures on mobile apps.


Browsing e-commerce sites with hundreds of categories and thousands of products can be daunting. This is why we're working to make each repeated interaction consistent with the last, so our users can more easily understand and predict how they can shop efficiently, and without cognitive overload.

Assistance and Feedback

Pet Pals Heaven is working to make its website and apps accessible to all, including those with disabilities. If you encounter any difficulties accessing our website or would appreciate additional guidance on product choice, we encourage you to contact our renowned customer support team at 1-424-799-4387 who will be more than thrilled to help you. Our experts are available 24/7.

This is an ongoing effort, and we are always looking for ways to improve. If you have any comments or suggestions, or would like to report a technical accessibility issue, we encourage you to reach out to our accessibility team via our Contact Us page.

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